Calm & In Control
The 12 week journey from anxiety to freedom
My Letter to You
I know firsthand what it feels like to carry anxiety.
When you know that the thoughts are destructive and the fears are irrational, but still there's a feeling that you can't ignore, desperately trying to warn you that something is wrong. When you're stuck, unsure of what to do or how to cope with it. When overwhelm kicks in and you become paralysed. When it seems like there is no alternative but to give into the anxiety. Maybe you've even tried some mindfulness or CBT but with little or no results. No matter what you do, the anxiety comes back seemingly even stronger than before.
I know this place. And I know what it feels like to move out of it.
Over the last 10 years I have been collecting skills and techniques for the mind, body and spirit. I have worked with anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, OCD, disordered eating and somatic symptoms such as physical pain, panic attacks, vomiting, fatigue and fainting.
I have learned the secrets to tackling anxiety and it feels important to me that I share them - that is why I have written this course. In three months, I equip you with the necessary tools to overcome your anxiety and embrace a life of freedom, power and calm. So you can sit in the driver's seat of your mind and take back control of your life. I know that given the tools, anyone can learn to harness their thoughts and live a life of confidence and calm. ​​
There is a rich and expansive life beyond anxiety. It is meant for you.
I want you to feel ...
About Me
My name is Lila Tristram
Raised by a psychotherapist, very early on in life I understood what healing looked like. I saw in my mother hope for people who had been told that their situation was hopeless. How “doing the work” can lead to powerful and lasting change.
As an adult I went on to become a practicing musician and artist. It has been a journey, not without its struggles, and I have had to battle with anxiety myself in order to get here. But I am now truly living the life I have always dreamt of. I believe it is not a mystery or luck - there are tangible things which anyone can practice and I feel that the path out of anxiety and into success is something which is very important to share.
Alongside music I have spent the last 10 years learning and training in techniques to combat anxiety. I have worked with people with the following symptoms : anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, OCD, disordered eating and somatic symptoms such as physical pain, panic attacks, vomiting, fatigue and fainting.
I have a holistic body, mind and spirit approach. I am yoga teacher trained and have a deep understanding of breath work and the body-mind connection. I am a big believer that creativity is the spirit expressing itself, and is something I always encourage in everyone I work with.

Course Values
This Course is for You If...
1 / You are living with ...
Anxiety, depression, OCD, intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, grief, ADHD, disordered eating, somatic symptoms (where anxiety presents in the body e.g. fainting, vomiting, exhaustion or muscle pain when stressed), addiction, insomnia, low self-esteem, creative blocks, hopelessness, volatile or low mood, lack of direction / life purpose
2 / Nothing has worked ...
Maybe you have tried CBT, mindfulness or counselling in the past but nothing seems to have worked. Perhaps you've been sat on an NHS waiting list for so long that you've had to find your own coping mechanisms. Or perhaps you've had a negative experience of therapy which has put you off the whole idea. Perhaps your GP has offered medication for your mental health which you're feeling hesitant about. Maybe you've tried that too with mixed results...
3 / Traditional Therapy Seems ...
Daunting. You don't know where to start, which style to try, how long it might go on for. If it seems like a financial cost that you won't be able to sustain. If you can't imagine yourself bearing your soul to a stranger. You're worried that you might be humiliated or you just can't face talking about "it".
4 / You've Been Looking For ...
A way of liberating yourself from anxiety which doesn't involve an open-ended time and money commitment. Guidance from someone who has openly been in your shoes. A way of understanding what's actually going on, not just coping mechanisms to "manage" it. A solution which doesn't require you to talk too much or say anything you don't feel comfortable with. To work with someone who continues to pursue their own creative dreams. To be able to talk freely to someone who really gets what you're going through. To understand yourself on a deep level and learn how to face your greatest fears with courage and confidence.
The Secret ...
Anxiety is just energy that gets to be transformed. It is never random. It is an intelligent part of you, letting you know that your higher mind has something to say. Find someone who respects your anxiety. Who knows how to talk to it, who understands its language. With the right companion by your side, you can face up to your shadow and watch as your life falls back into place.
Expect ...
Self compassion, self confidence, clarity, calm, deep relaxation, higher creativity, reaching your goals, increased bandwidth for joy and success, greater intimacy in relationships, insights, passion, breakthroughs, self-awareness, curiosity, courage, connection, appreciation of life, appetite for life